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Saturday, June 9, 2007

Restaurant or accommodation scenario on the Russian Internet dating

It is similar to previous scenario. A man falls in love and comes to meet her in her city. Money is spent on the traveling, expectations are high (they had wonderful communication with her before his visit). Accommodation scenario begins before his visit.

The girl-scammer suggests him to live in a good apartment she knows. Usually he is promised that they live there together and so she can the right to choose a place to live also. She refuses his variants and insists on her own. When he comes he is asked for all the money for the apartment to be paid in advance and the price for it is usually higher than the average apartment rent. Then the girl disappears, she answers the phone but she is busy, busy, busy. And the man is left in the apartment with nothing to do and nobody to be with, just waiting for her.

This scenario is rather rare, I met it only with Lithuania scammers, but who knows maybe someone else is operating it. Restaurant scenario does not show itself until a man actually comes to visit the girl-scammer. She usually writes in her profile that she does not know English, and to the meeting she invites her girl-friend. Usually she insists that they go to the restaurant for the meeting. There something strange is happening.

They talk and take something to drink (very little) but the bill is huge. Then they go by taxi to his apartment (they see him home) and then the taxi should take them to their houses. And again the taxi-drivers asks for a lot of money, more than usual. Usually they just agree in the restaurants (clubs) and with taxi-drivers to take more and then divide the profit. If the man can demand explanation in the restaurant, then they just try to eat as much as possible there and leave. But many men just feel uncomfortable to make a row about money in the presence of girl they like.

Both scenarios this and Gift scamming scenario are rather rarely used. Why? Men actually meet the girl, and she can't use the different photos on different sites, so when a man puts her to scammer list, she is usually thrown away from many dating sites and many men learn in some time about their listing there and are forewarned. It is in travel and visa scenario scammer artist can use different names, different pictures to lure men and they can change them as often as they want. But these girls have to stop their scamming career in some time from several months to a year.

Relate links of the Scenario :

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