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Saturday, June 9, 2007

Nigerian scamming scenario as The newest

I run not only dating site with Russian girls but also dating sites for disabled people from all over the world. The last year or so there many people from America began to register. But something was wrong about them.

A young beautiful (model photos) girl of 27 registers to disabled site, writes that she does not have any disability but she wants to find real life, it does not matter if her chosen one will be a disabled and if he will be 60 she is tired of loneliness. Many ip addresses in spite of the address written in their profiles showed that they are from Nigeria, others show that they are from USA or Israel or Canada but in some time they thought it is safe not to go through a server -anonimizer and went from local ip- Nigerian.

We just did not activate such profiles or closed them later. But then I was contacted by people who explained this kind of scam. They met these scammers on the sites that do not do ip address checking and allow them to operate on their sites. These people , men and women alike, use great pictures (model kind, very sexy and nice), men and women agree to meet anyone between 18 and 60 or 70 and they are very active. They again try to move the man away from moderated sites to private emails or chats.

In some time of communication when they see that their victim is ready (talks about marriage, or fell in love) they write that they need to go to Nigeria on some short term project (or they were in Nigeria when the communication began but soon they will come back. Then they just want to go quickly to their beloved, and they ask for their help. They can ask directly for money but more often they ask an innocent sounding request to cash a cheque/postal order for them. Interesting, but in August 2006 I have heard from a man that he was a subject to this kind of scam from Russian girl, who also asked him to cash a cheque for her so that she could come to him. They claim that these are work related cheques that they haven't been able to cash due to the different banking system in Nigeria (or Russia). A man asked to send her money to Nigeria by Western Union or Money Gram. In fact, these cheques are forged or stolen. But they will eventually get rejected by the issuing banks.

Relate links of the Scenario :

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