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Saturday, June 9, 2007

Gift scamming scenario on the Russian Internet dating scene

The previous scenarios are rarely done just by separate people (women or men), usually it is done by groups of Internet scammers. But this scenario is used by real girls, real women. A man finds a girl on a dating site (there is nothing in her profile except wonderful pictures and readiness to communicate with all men that write to them) and after some communication when rapport is established, he comes to visit her.

The first meeting is often great, they talk, they have much in common. During the next meeting she suggests to go with her to the shops and choose there a clothes of a bag for her. There is nothing suspicious in her request. And the victim goes with her to the shops.

The girl does not go to cheap or average shops, it should be always lux. There she chooses a very expensive bag or fur coat or even the whole set of clothes (an evening dress, jewellery to it, a fur-coat and boots and she expects a man to approve it. After that she comes to the counter and waits for him to pay for all the things. The man feels very uncomfortable.

Usually in such shops they are the only buyers, and all the shop staff helps her to choose clothes so when they come to the counter he feels all the eyes looking at him and expecting him to pay. Some can refuse (tell her that he needs first to call to the bank for the purchase to be approved) , some can't and feel obliged to pay.

If the purchase was done then the next and the following days the girl is very busy and can't meet. If not, then the next day he is under her bombarding with the request to pay for the purchase (the shop assistants are calling to her about it all the time according to the legend). What is best to do in this situation? Refuse and leave her.

If you know that it is a problem for you then just refuse to follow her to the shops. Wait for her outside, in a cafe. If she is interested only in a gift from you, then after such thing she won't meet you again and just disappear.

Relate to the others scenario

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