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Saturday, June 9, 2007

Director of the agency comment about scammers on the Russian Internet dating scene

The scammers on the Russian Internet dating scene are busy these days. They are so active that real women don't stand a chance! Using professional photos from the Cosmopolitan, or pictures of famous Russian actresses, they ensure success because men just can't go pass this "raving Russian beauty".

I am the director of agency, and as a professional matchmaker who helps men from this, and other agencies, I am often asked for a professional opinion about the state of relationship with a girl, and to provide analysis if she is suspected to be a scammer. Over the years I have become well versed in the methods used. It would be great if you can heed advice below before you commit to a relationship that starts online. Below is a escription of their methods for entrapping men.

There are two types of Russian dating agencies: those that sell contact details to male clients, and those that have ladies in their database and suggest to men to write to them using their mail systems.

The first type of agency is the ideal place for such scammers to spin their web of deceit. Firstly they place a really good photo there, and many men of course write to their home address. Later on we will see what happens after letters start to flow, but please note that not all agencies delete the profiles of these "beauties" when clients complain about their tactics. Unfortunately though, in many cases men don't complain for the fear of not wanting to appear foolish for being taken in by a scammer - they don't want to feel foolish.

The second type of agencies, the subscription type, works in a different way.

How do scammers operate?

1. Firstly - beware of a GREAT photo on the site. Do not fool yourself. Having a photo says nothing about it belonging to the person responding. We do the checking of girls' information here in St-Petersburg by clients' requests, and I from time to time asked to verify "these Russian girls". They were usually men, who made scamming their profession, or who use their mother's or girlfriends' real name and surname needed for postal address to receive money through Western Union. There is no way you can know that the name of a woman you get is not a Russian girl of 20, but a Russian woman f 52, who is just asked by her son or neighbor to go and get money in Western Union office from time to time "for his business".That is the main problem in combating scammers online. While we can place a warning in the scam lists about a name/photo combination being part of a scam, they just find another picture, register another e-mail address, take another name, and they are ready to continue to "work". Many are men, and they know what men fall for; they know the nature of a man better than any women knows, and they know how to make a man lose his head. But now that you have read this, you will see immediately when a scam begins to unfold before you. You are forewarned, and you are now armed with invaluable information.

2. The next step in the scam is the "direct" approach - to make a man leave the site's experienced staff, and to begin to write to her private email. Scammers understand that if they begin to work their scam in the site's system or directly on the site, they will be immediately thrown out by the site's owners and other men warned. So they need to disassociate a man from the site's staff and focus their attention exclusively on themselves.

How is it done? In fact the method is a signature that gives them away, because it is always the same. The scammers write to a large number of men. The letter can be large or small, but after some small talk there is an nvitation to write to "her" email directly. If you are standing in the street, and a very nice and interesting girl comes to you and invites you to go with her to a dark alley, will you go???? I think, no, at least, not in all cities. you will realize that you have nothing to wait in those dark alleys except problems Of course, if you have talked with the girl face to face; had a walk with her, and began to feel her personality, moods, and nature; if you begin to feel interested in her and to fall in love with her, then yes, you will want to meet with her directly and intimately, kissing and whispering sweet little nothings to each other. However I doubt this will happen on your first meeting, so why should it happen after one letter? When a girl gives her email in the first letter to you, beware. This is a warning sign for me. I will be grateful if you can write to the managers of the agency so that we can pay more attention to this girl, and try to check her credentials immediately. Another interesting observation is that they almost never take the test on our site. They seem to be afraid that it will detect their true nature, so they shy away from it. Let's imagine that you follow the girl's request, and write to her direct email. What should be her next steps?

3. Exchanging letters with "her" is the next step in the scam. It's interesting that in the several last cases of detected scam the "girls" wrote to the men that they work as nurses or doctors in clinics, but maybe it is a coincidence and they can invent different professions. I know of a case when a man and a "girl" exchanged 38 letters in 38 days before the next step, so it depends on the case, but would you believe that a doctor or nurse has the time to write letters daily? These scammers are good psychologists, and it can depend on the individual they are trying to scam. What then are the warning signs?

4. The next warning sign is that the "girl" does not want to give you her telephone number. You will be told that yes, she can communicate each day with you over the Internet (or use the Internet at work), but she has no telephone. Yes, they understand that you want to hear her voice, and in many cases, they will take your telephone and call you, but you won't be able to call her, not at work, and not at home.

5. Another warning sign is that you will be told about her love for you very quickly in the relationship. You can expect to have an acknowledgement of love already in the second letter.

6. So now we are ready for the "close". The "girl" thinks that you are ready (especially on ICQ where things start to happen very quickly), and she makes her next move. Sometimes she will say that her friend has a man in Spain, Italy or Germany, and this friend went to Spain and met her man there. Now you are ready for the "close", when she says that she wants the same trip, but with you. She wants to come to the USA "and have two wonderful weeks alone with you". What the two of you will do together will be outlined in great detail, including dancing the first evening, and hiking the next day and so on. There is usually a lot of discussion what you will do together, where you will go, how wonderfully you will spend these two weeks. What man can refuse such an offer?

7. Of course next she asks for the money to go to Moscow, to apply for a visa and buy tickets to the US. In some cases, she can ask for US$1500, and in some cases she can say that she has half the money and so "only" needs the second half. It will depend on her "budget". Be aware that IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR A RUSSIAN WOMAN TO GO TO USA so easily - COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE. That is usually when I come on the scene. Many men have heard about it, and know it well, so when a woman begins to ask for money to be in the US in two weeks, they come to consult with me about possibilities. We usually do the girl's identity check straight away and find that all of her story is a fake. I have investigated several such cases, and I am now sure that it can't be my mistake or the girl's innocence and naivete. If a girl asks you for money to go to the USA - Do not fool yourself. She is not an innocent and a bit silly girl who does not know the realities of life. She (as a rule, he) is a thief who is after your money. If you offer to come to her and meet her in her home town, she will refuse point blank, and will insist on her coming to you.

There is only one way to stop these scams. If all men stop sending them money they will stop their "business". If you find yourself in this situation stop communicating with her immediately. Tell the agency about her. For now they can't be stopped by a scammers' list, but only by men realizing their true identity, and not sending money. Deny them what they are after and that will be the best way to make your mark on the fight to clean the online dating industry of scams.

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